the bohemian traveled into the city by the bay. it was much earlier than she usually arrived there. she was on a food fast so as to give blood at the laboratory... it was a misty, slightly eerie morning, putting her in mind of Autumn and Halloween. and vampires, what with the blood-sucking and all that spookiness in the air...
she noticed things she didn't usually... like rusted gates...
and stone steps disappearing into the darkened recesses of old buildings...
and black cats looming out of the mists...
spooky silhouettes and haunting shadows...
and windows shaped like crystal balls...
but THIS window... oh this window made her smile so big!!! and she immediately thought of COFFEE!!! and so her journey into the city by the bay was sweetly capped off by a tall *bees knees latte at the black drop coffee house... (more smiling!!!)
* this delectable treat is a coffee latte with honey and essence of roses... oh joy, oh coffee bliss!!!!
"I know the night is near at hand:
the mists lie low on hill and bay,
the Autumn sheaves are dewless, dry;
But I have had the day..."
-Silas Weir Mitchell
(of course that dewless/dry part isn't really descriptive of this part of bohemia but lately it HAS been pretty dry! the fire-danger-meter stands at HIGH right now... no end-of-the-summer campfires. no s'mores. but O! the berries! they are just dripping off the vines!!! grazing along the edges of the property puts a giant smile on the bohemian's face! YUMMY!) the bohemian is wishing you a lovely fall season with crackly leaf carpets and crunchy brown nuts and late late warmth-of-summer days as the season slowly turns into autumn. and of course: coffee bliss to you all!