Thursday, July 23, 2009


waiting for nap time... waiting for the hazelnuts to ripen...
waiting for the clothes to dry...
(what has Black Cat found?)
waiting for the hubbard squash...
meanwhile, greatly enjoying the squash blossoms and their gorgeous yellow!
waiting for the house fairies to do up the dishes...
oh rats...
guess I'LL have to do it...
waiting to eat the first ripe tomato... (whining: how long? how loooongg?!!)
waiting to be petted...
"to do" list waiting to be done... think I'll do the PLAY one first, then maybe the JUMP FOR JOY one next, after that I'll have to RELAX... then maybe some DISCOVERING, and add some GIGGLE WITH DELIGHT... JOIN ME, WON'T YOU?

1 comment:

  1. What a cute post...I feel like I sometimes am waiting, waiting, waiting...for what, I don't know! I often set my intention in yoga to be: "Be content...quit waiting and enjoy now!"
