Wednesday, September 21, 2011

and when she came back...

it was turning Fall... and there were hazelnuts to gather! the bohemian was so surprised the squirrels had left her some... the tomatoes were abundant but not turning red very fast! the baby cabbage had grown quite a lot!! the pumpkin population was exploding under their leafy broad leaves... and even though one frost had already come, blossoms were still popping out in hopes that indian summer would turn them into real cucumbers. pattypan squash were popping out from nowhere every time the bohemian turned around. but the leaves were turning and whispering that growing time was drawing to a close... there were still blackberries to pick though! yummmmm... purple sweetness bursting in her mouth. and the wood shed had become full to overflowing with the promise of toasty, cozy warmth to come, once the temps begin to fall... but for this week, anyways, summer would still show its warm bright face. and the bohemian would happily graze her way through the last days of summer... warm, sunny wishes and brisk Autumn greetings to you all...

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, what garden bounty! I'm envious of your little squash--I tried to grow pumpkins this year (though maybe started too late). I had one that fell off the vine and rotted; I MIGHT have 2 more in infancy. I think I live too close to the water for them to do well...not a good microclimate, maybe. Pretty photos!
