Wednesday, September 9, 2009

the day after the roses...

the bohemian arose with a pounding headache and looked out her window to see dark clouds and rain... she took her pain medicine and washed up the dishes, waiting for the medicine to take effect. unfortunately, no effect... and so, because sitting stationary was a must, she sat down at her computer keyboard to blog. her befuddled brain did not want to function. so she enlisted the help of her magical playmate... all she was really wanting to do was to show you the magical rose garden she visited yesterday...
she had gone into town to visit the bohemian daughter and the grand-dog Jenna... they took a stroll to the rose gardens and this is what they saw:
they did not forget to smell the roses...
wishing you a fragrant and beauteous day...


  1. Those roses are gorgeous! As I looked at your photos I could smell roses. So funny that memory and smell connection. :)

  2. okay that cute dog stole your post, i mean the roses!
    he is so cute!
    how are you?
