Monday, January 25, 2010

she retreated into craft world...

the bohemian awoke to an early day's dawning. 5am...where's her COFFEE?! her honey whisked her away in his car to a crafty friend's house where the two friends loaded down the friend's car to the rooftop with their craft STUFF and off they drove into the pink morning... when the road ran out, they drove straight onto the ferry boat... for a very rocky ride to the other side of the water... oh, a quick stop at the CLEVER gift store... and the crepery for MUCH needed java... while the quilters bought out the quilt shop... and then they arrived! let the crafting begin!!!!! oh but first there are things to be done. move in and make the dorm "homey"... that's our bohemian's digs there to the far right. sad, sad room, eh? oh but wait... wait for it... ah.... a little home-away-from-home! and... what a luxury to get out craft STUFF and just leave it out, strung all over, for 4 whole days!!!! our bohemian will show you how they "transformed" this place into a magic craftworld AND a HOLLYWOOD WALK OF FAME.... tomorrow.... blessings upon you this fine day. have you crafted yet today? hope so! see you tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. how cool is this!!!
    enjoy yourself and share share share!!!!
    and hugs
