Tuesday, March 30, 2010

carmen's RR: art saves

now THIS is a mocha!! it's beautiful ART. it's heavenly AROMA. AND. it is science!!! the waitress managed to use the molecular characteristics of liquid to fill OVER the brim and still pile on the whipped cream!! and the skillful lady brought it to the table without spilling a drop! this is the page i created for doreen's RR book in carmen's RR, "art saves". and the little paper person comes out of the pocket and reminds us all to DREAM. i had so much fun making this for doreen! my wish is that it inspires her keep creating ART because art brings beauty and creative energy to our world! hope you're busy CREATING BEAUTY today!! chocolatety wishes with whipped cream piled on top to you....


  1. Awesome!!!
    now you make me want to play paper dolls
    heyyyy!!! that is a wonderful idea for the next round robin! oh yes!!!
    will you be joining us again? please???
    i will love you more, te-hee!!!
    hugs and love always to you sweet Shari

  2. You have lit up my day!!!! I LOVE it!
    Perfect for me :-)
    Carmen sent me over to see... eeeeyaaahooo!

  3. I love this. Can't wait to see what you do when you get my journal. You are soooo creative and the colors you chose are so happy.

  4. What a wonderful page! I love the paper doll!
    Random acts of art!!! Fabulous! I love seeing these posted and it will be so much fun to see the pagesn when the books come around!

  5. I have it in my hands now, Shari!! And it's even more beautiful in person! How adorable!!
