Tuesday, June 29, 2010


yes, delight in life, even when it's hectic and busy and seems to be rushing by you... even when the whooshing sound it makes as it passes is a violent sound, like a winter storm. there are still always things of delight to be noticed: peonies with delicious colors and heady fragrance. warm summer sun on your skin. a joyful song blasting from the radio with a Caribbean beat. art friends to create with. the above tags were created on a whim, on a moment's notice, from the thought, "oh, I could make those with what's just on hand here...". it's just my deep desire for a warm tropical place speaking out from my inner soul...... and here is another of those tag folder, finally finished up... don't forget to DELIGHT in everything about your LIFE that brings you pleasure and joy... AND DON'T FORGET TO PLAY!!!!

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