1. snuggling the fairy grandchild: delightful!!! (she's wondering...who IS that in the mirror?) |
2. the gorgeous bohemian mountains...they put on spectacular cloud shows!! |
3. face paint and smiles... and SUNSHINE!!! |
4. waterballoon fun! and the hot summer day to go along with it! |
hope your summer so far has been filled with fun and sun. and cool refreshment, if you live in a hot, dry place! don't forget to play... how long has it been since you threw a waterballoon (or got hit with one?)?? try it, you'll like/love it! blissful, sun-warmed days are wished to you!! from the tanned and smiling bohemian.
P.S.: guess what?! fairy granchild #2 is due any day!!! woo hoo!! fairy grandmother joy is abounding!!!!
The mountain AND the kids are beautiful!