Monday, November 2, 2009

farewell to october...

seen in the pale moonlight at the festival of the harvest: two tiny creatures of the night... munching...munching... what an enjoyable night of fun and frolic it was! unfortunately, our bohemian's camera frustrated her once again and there are no pictures to prove it... the moon rose eerily over the bohemian mountains on the cold, crisp first day of november, when it wasn't quite evening yet... guests had arrived at the bohemian's cottage, for the weekly traditional giant bowl of popcorn and chilled fruit smoothies. happy child laughter, loud adult chatter, romping and wrestling, pillow fighting and sneaky tag games... what a fun and lovely fall afternoon. and yes, the next morning's dawning was still quite eerie! dark clouds and a sinister blue color... oooooh. not yet done with the spookiness of the season... but the bohemian's cottage was quite cozy and warm. and she was snug and happily blogging away... and taking lovely trips to other blogland places, where inspiration abounded and friends were sharing their daily lives. the bohemian wants you all to know how much she enjoys visiting you and thanks you for sharing your lives with her and each other. as her favorite mary englebreit illustration says, so she wishes for all of you: "be warm inside and out". happy november!