Wednesday, August 26, 2009

hazelnut adventures...

while the bohemian was harvesting hazelnuts, the cats were coming up with ideas... ideas about what to do with a paper sack full of hazelnuts. idea #1: try to climb it...
idea #2: wear it...
idea #3: wrestle on it...
idea #4: turn it upside down...
why did the bohemian yell at the cats?
she is picking up the hazelnuts...again...
what cats know: play with anything that comes to hand! fun can spring from anywhere at any time. life is for frolicking. have a lovely frolic of a day...


  1. Cats can't resist a bag! The one where they are both on it cracked me up. :)

  2. Oh good grief, how darling is that?! I had to re-read it to see that they were playing with it WITH the hazelnuts inside! Too cute!
